(+670) 3110116

Sobre Nós

Criado em 2012, com base no decreto-lei 35/2012, de 18 de julho. SERVE,I.P., extendido por Serviço de Registo e Verificação Empresarial, Instituto Público, destinado a promover e facilitar negócios e empresários de pequenas, médias e grandes dimensões para viabilizar o ambiente de negócios em Timor-Leste. SERVE,I.P. iniciou as suas atividades, servindo o público em 6 de maio de 2013.SERVE,I.P. é o primeiro One-Stop-Shop e único Instituto Público de Timor-Leste totalmente vocacionado para as empresas e presta assistência e aconselhamento para registar legalmente empresas e empresas para a realização de actividades comerciais.

Diretor Executivo

Mr. Fausto Soares Dias, SH
Diretor Executivo

Mr. Fausto Soares Dias appointed as SERVE,I.P. Executive Director in May 2024, since then he has led the team in delivering quality and speedy services. Mr. Fausto Soares Dias previous professional experiences have definitely benefited SERVE,I.P. operations and developments include:

  • Degree certified in Law in Tritunggal University of Surabaya (UNITAS).
  • Master degree in Constitutional Law and Administrative in University PAZ (UNPAZ).
  • Oficial staff for UNHCR, 2000 – 2005.
  • Government staff in the Ministry of Education, 2013 – 2021.
  • Head of the Administrative Post of Metinaro.
  • Oficial for the supervision agency of the Municipality of Dili, 2021 – 2023.
  • Focal-Point of Vice-Prime Minister and Minister Coordinator of Economic Affairs (MCAE).
Mr. Fausto Soares Dias is fluent in Tetum, Bahasa Indonesia, and he speaks fairly Portuguese and English. Contact the Executive Director at fsdias@serve.gov.tl

Vice-Executive Director

Mrs. Augusta Gomes, SH
Vice-Executive Director

Mrs. Augusta Antónia Gomes was selected and appointed as Deputy Executive Director of SERVE,I.P in May, 2024. Mrs. Augusta Antónia Gomes has previous professional experiences and definitely benefit SERVE,I.P operations and developments as follow:

  • Teacher in the National University of Timor-Lorosa’e (UNTL) by teaching disciplines related to Law, Philosophy, Economics, 2019 – 2024.
  • Teacher in University da PAZ (UNPAZ) of Timor-Leste by teaching disciplines related to Law, Philosophy, Economics, 2021 – 2023.
  • Journalist in Suara Timor-Leste (STL), 2008.
  • Observer by participating actively in the presidential elections 2022 through Technichal Secretariat of STAE.
  • Technical Staff of management and inspection for Secretariat of State for Art and Culture of Ministry of Tourism.
  • Technichal professional of National Council for the Petroleum Fund (CNFP) based on Ministry of Economic Affairs cabinet (MCAE).
Mrs. Augusta Antónia Gomes is fluent in Tetum, Bahasa Indonesia, English Portuguese, Espanhol. Contact the Vice Executive Director at augustagomes@serve.gov.tl



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Palm Business & Trade Center, Rua de Fatumeta, Bairro-Pite, Dom Aleixo, Dili, Timor-Leste

*** Horário de trabalho:
Seg - Sex; 8:00 am - 17.30 pm




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