(+670) 3110116
(+670) 78122222


Knowing different types of company and entrepreneurs in Timor-Leste

View Our Business Types
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Knows the steps you should do to register your company in Timor-Leste.

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Certificates/Article of Association

See our Certificates for companies and Article of Association template.

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Know the number of companies registered in our country since 2013.

Daily Statistic of Business Registration

Sole Trader


Single Shareholder


Join Shareholder


Joint Stock


Foreign Branch


State Owned


Latest News

Vice-Executive Director on the preparation meeting for 2024 award competition

Díli, 30/9/2024, Vice-Executive Director of SERVE,I.P. handle a meeting for the initial preparation to take part as a Jury Panel […]

SERVE,I.P. Publicated on 02/10/2024

Mrs. Agusta Gomes close the internal training of business registration to employees

RAEOA, 27/9/2024, Vice-Executive Director of SERVE,I.P., Mrs. Agusta Antonia Gomes, M.P.Hil, closed the training on Business Registration for new employees […]

SERVE,I.P. Publicated on 01/10/2024

SERVE,I.P. in the SEFOPE launching ceremony

Dili, 24/9/2024, Vice- Executive Diretór of SERVE,I.P., Mrs. Agusta Antonia Gomes, M.P.Hil, participated in the ceremony of the launching of […]

SERVE,I.P. Publicated on 01/10/2024

Vice-Executive Director as orator in “National Fiscal Procedures and Obligations”

Deputy Executive Director of SERVE,I.P., Ms. Agusta Antónia Gomes, M.P.Hil., was part of the speakers in the socialization of the […]

SERVE,I.P. Publicated on 24/09/2024

SERVE,I.P. participate in the Timor Gap signing ceremony

Dili, 16/09/2024 – Vice-Executive Director of SERVE, I.P., Mrs. Agusta Antónia Gomes, participated in the signing ceremony of the Purchase […]

SERVE,I.P. Publicated on 17/09/2024


New Registrations
Description Tt/Pt Eng
The Form (SERVE_F_1-3) View View
Description Tt/Pt Eng
The Form (SERVE, I.P._F_1-13) View -
Alter and Changes
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The Form (SERVE_F_11-18) View -
Add Business Activity
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The Form (SERVE_F_1-14) View -
Power of Attorney
Description Tt/Pt Eng
The Form View View
Acceptance Letter
Description Tt Pt
Declaration letter Download Download

Yes, it is. Foreigners can own businesses and company up to 100% of shares, except petroleum and media communication that foreigners could own less than 100% of shares. Foreign business entity or it shareholders are allowed to own or subsidiary other business entity in Timor-Leste.

There are 6 types and character of business and companies as follows:

  1. ENIN (Sole Trader/Sole Proprietorship – ST)
  2. UNIPESSOAL, LDA. (Single Shareholder with Limited Liability – SSLL)
  3. LDA. (Limiter Liability Partnership – LLP)
  4. S.A. – Sociedade Anônima (Joint Stock Company – JSC)
  5. R.P. – Representação Permanente (Foreign Branch or Permanent Representative – FB)
  6. E.P. – Empresa Pública (State Owned Enterprise – SOE)

Please refer to the business types section.

Foreigners are allow to be member of board of the Director if she/he holds Working Visa or Permanent Residence Visa
If not, one of the member of the board of Director or Administration Council can be anyone with any citizen that holds Working Visa or Permanent Residence Visa.

The minimum share capital for the businesses or companies is US$ 1.00 and there is no maximum limit and for the Joint Stock Company the minimum value is US$ 50,000.00 and there is no maximum limit and the cost for the share is US$ 1.00 each, and while for Foreign Branch or Permanent Representative, the minimum share capital is US$ 5,000.00 and there is also no maximum limit. The share capital value is in accordance with New Law of the Company Act N. 10/2017, 17 of May.

The registration process may take 1 to 5 days and this is in accordance with the article 25.º – Deadline in the Decree-Law (DL) n. 16/2017, 17 of May – Business Registration and the registration process is free of charge.

SERVE,I.P. can be contacted via:

  1. Phone (fixed line):  (+670) 3110116
  2. Mobile Phone: (+670) 78122222
  3. Email address: info@serve.gov.tl

Please refer to Tax Law n. 8/2008, 30 of June by visiting www.mof.gov.tl at Ministry of Finance of Timor-Leste.

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SERVE,I.P. bestow as being deserved and merited awards
Certficate ISO-8000-116

Certificate TL.CR to confirm Authoritative Legal Entity Identifier Prefix (ALEI) published in the Companies Register (CR) maintened by the country of Timor-Leste (TL). Awarded on 19-06-2022.

Top 100 in the world

Appreciation of International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) between 100 best service agencies in the world. Awarded on 12-12-2014.

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Palm Business & Trade Center, Rua de Fatumeta, Bairro-Pite, Dom Aleixo, Dili, Timor-Leste

*** Working Hours:
Mon - Fri; 8:00 am - 17:30 pm

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