(+670) 3110116

An update of Businesses and companies registered in Timor-Leste

Based on company law and business registration law, SERVE,I.P. (Serviço de Registo e Verificação Empresarial, Instituto Publico) has been registering a total of businesses and companies as indicated bellow. Following are the figures that shows registration progress from time to time since May 6, 2013.

Number of registrations from year 2013 - 2024.

Year Sole Trader Sole Proprietorship Limited Limited Liability Companies Joint Stock Company Foreign Branch or Permanent Representative State Owned Enterprise Total of Year
2024 1019 596 115 0 2 0 1732
2023 2633 2171 425 9 10 1 5249
2022 3555 1564 338 4 5 0 5466
2021 2914 1123 206 1 8 2 4254
2020 2992 870 314 2 4 0 4182
2019 1703 1129 475 13 6 0 3326
2018 1708 1144 410 11 9 0 3282
2017 2617 1366 594 6 12 0 4595
2016 2167 1236 658 16 19 3 4099
2015 2661 1337 679 10 31 1 4719
2014 1607 2103 771 15 22 0 4518
2013 275 1864 692 8 8 0 2847

Total of business registered in SERVE,I.P. until nowadays are 48269 Businesses.

Percentage of each type of business registered in SERVE,I.P.

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Palm Business & Trade Center, Rua de Fatumeta, Bairro-Pite, Dom Aleixo, Dili, Timor-Leste

*** Working Hours:
Mon - Fri; 8:00 am - 17:30 pm

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