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SERVE,I.P. celebrates 12th anniversary

SERVE,I.P. Publicated on 23/07/2024

Dili, July 18, 2024, Executive Director of SERVE,I.P. and Deputy Executive Director, together with the structure and all employees celebrates the 12th. anniversary of SERVE,I.P. with a mass of thanksgiving for the existence of this institution, with Father Ângelo celebrating the mass.
According to Decree-Law 35/2012, of July 18, SERVE, I.P. was created, the acronym known as Business Registration and Verification Service, Public Institute, with the aim of promoting and facilitating small, medium and large companies and business to boost the economic environment in Timor-Leste. SERVE, I.P. opens its doors for service on May 6, 2013 as the first “one-stop-shop” institution and the only one in Timor-Leste to provide legality for companies to carry out their commercial activities.

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