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Vice-Executive Director at the branch of Liquiçá

SERVE,I.P. Publicated on 01/07/2024

Liquiçá, June 25, 2024, Deputy Executive Director of SERVE,I.P., Mrs. Augusta Antónia Gomes, and representative of the Business Registration Supervisor, together with SERVE,I.P. branch coordinator of Liquiçá meet with the secretary of the President of Liquiçá Municipal Authority.
This meeting allows SERVE,I.P. to update the SERVE,I.P. work plan regarding the request for the allocation of land for the future construction of SERVE,I.P. branch building, and also to strengthen the coordination work that it already has with the Land and Property department. This visit culminates in the meeting of the Deputy Executive Director with SERVE,I.P. employees of Liquiçá branch the work that has been done and the improvements needed.

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